Orlando Rug Cleaning

First Impressions is a oriental rug cleaning service located in Winter Garden Florida. They specialize in hand washing of oriental and designer area rugs. Their 8 Step Cleaning Process which maximizes the removal soils & spots is unmatched in the industry. With over 15 years experience and a reputation of excellence, they are Orlando’s choice for oriental rug cleaning. First impressions needed a website to focus on the oriental rug cleaning services of the business, detail their cleaning process, and show their experience in rug cleaning.

The site was built using PHP, CSS, HTML5, and jQuery. The site has an easy to navigate 5 pages structure and a fully functional mobile friendly version. The home page is focused around the company’s experience, the market they service, the art of rug cleaning and a demonstration video of their services. The cleaning process page illustrates their 8 step cleaning process and describes its benefits.

The Rug Care page is designed for the do-it-yourself customer who is looking for tips on cleaning and handling rugs. These professional tips are a great resource for rug cleaning and makes excellent content for social sharing. The site also includes a testimonials page, where customers can share their experience with First Impressions.